Ding Ding Candy Live Food Station

Ding Ding Candy Live Station in Singapore

Party People offers Ding Ding Candy live food station in Singapore. We serve these delicious candy! Hiring a Ding Ding Candy live station in Singapore for any location can be a great addition to your event!

Hearing hammering sounds coming from Ding Ding Candy Live Food Station? You are in for a good TREAT! We serve traditional ding ding candy for private and public events whereby you will see our staff uses a pair of flat chisels to knock and break apart the candy as little snacks for sweet indulgence.

Traditional Ding Ding candy singapore

This sticky treat resemble the taste of maltose candy and will leave you licking your teeth for more!

Ding Ding Candy Live Food Station Price

First 2 hours$500
Subsequent hour$250

Inclusive of:
– Delivery and Set up!
– One manpower to serve!
– Sweet Ding Ding Candies up to 100pax per hour!
– Dismantle and Collection of Equipment!

To enquire, simply fill up a quick form below:

Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible!

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